Data cable whole sale price in Pakistan

Data cable whole sale price in Pakistan

 What is the wholesale price for data cable in Pakistan?

Types of Data Cables:

There are three main types of data cables commonly used everywhere. They are Micro USB type, C type data cable, and Apple IOs data cable.

Type C and Micro USB cables are very commonly used in Pakistan. They are cheap too compared to IOs data cables. Such cables are used to charge and data transfer for mobile cellphones and tablet computers.

There are different qualities of such data cables. Low quality, Regular quality, Good Quality, and Premium quality cables. Also, there are two further types of such cables. They are data transfer type cables and only charging type cables. Prices differ for both types and depend upon the quality of cable too.

Price of data cable:

Data cable price starts from Rs. 55 to Rs 800 in shops for a regular customer for a single piece. But they are available for a very low price as wholesale for a couple of dozens of pieces.

Wholesale prices start from Rs. 25 to Rs100 for a piece if you purchase in bulk quantity from the wholesale market. This is a profitable business.

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