Connecting rod thrust checking using dial gauge method

Connecting rod thrust measurement using dial gauge

Here is a video on youtube on my channel on this subject:

The connecting rod on the crank shaft has a specified clearance to work properly. That clearance is a must to keep the engine in good performance. If the clearance is more, it will create noise and unwanted sound. If the clearance will be less, there will be less oil flow which will create oil starvation condition leads to catastrophic engine failure. If the back and forth clearance of the connecting rod on crank shaft had been increased from the specified amount it is a must to replace the connecting rod or in some worse cases the entire crank shaft. This could be a very expensive repair then and it is normally needed if you run your engine oil for long intervals. The engine oil must be replaced regularly on certain interval. For the oil change interval you must not follow the oil manufacturer recommendation or engine manufacturer recommendation which is giving a very long millage value of say 10,000 to 15,000 mile for a car! Instead you should make your own plan by looking to your engine, environment and the driving conditions of your car. If your car have four cylinders your oil change interval will be more frequent than that of a car having eight or six cylinders. Also if you are living in a hot and dusty environment, your oil change interval will be a little more frequent than the car used in a cold and dust free environment. The third consideration is the driving conditions which means a car running in hilly area had a more tough time to engine. Then the car used in hilly area should change oil more frequently than the same car someone is using in plan area. So considering oil change on a specified interval is a good idea to save expensive engine from a costly repair.

Connecting rod thrust measurement method
Make the engine upside down and remove bottom cover and sump from the engine. Keep everything as shown in the image below.

wiggle the connection rod bearing back and forth while the dial gauge installed and bring it to the extreme position and make the dial gauge zero here. Then take it to the extreme other side and measure the distance or clearance between the two extremes.

Here is an image from the Toyota factory service manual on the system setup.

Your measurement should be between the specified measurement range specified by the company service manual. The measurement for my case should be between 0.160 and 0.342 mm. In inches it should be 0.0063 to 0.0135 in. The service manual is telling if the thrust measurement is not between the specification, replace the connecting rod or in extreme worst case situation replace the crank shaft.


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