RM6204 Switching regulation smps power management IC


Here in this article we will discuss a small SMPS current mode smps power management IC. RM6204 is a beautiful smps power management IC which is very commonly used in small size smps power supplies and cell phone chargers. RM6204 is a 12W and line voltage regulator IC which is a simple to use and simple to construct single chip smps controller. RM6204 is official IC for Huawei cell phones chargers. This IC RM6204 needs very few external components to function. The power of the smps is limited trough external components like chopper transformer and other resistors and capacitors values. This IC internal switching transistor has capability to withstand 700 volts. The switching transistor can switch 800mA current continues. The overall IC power dissipation is 1000 mW or 1 Watt.

RM6204 SMPS Regulator circuit
RM6204 SMPS regulator power supply circuit schematic

Above is the circuit schematic for RM6204 smps regulator power supply. Such power supplies are small and suitable for small power needs like cellphone chargers and toys battery chargers. They are capable of providing steady 12 Watts of power. The above circuit is straight forward power supply circuit with feedback loop control. The feed back is observing the output of the circuit and continuously controls the input side PWM signal to regulate the output of the power supply regardless of input voltage changes and output load changes within certain limits. The feedback components are U2, IC3, C20, C6, R8, R9, R10 and R11. These all components makes a feedback loop which regulates the output of the power supply.

RM6204 SMPS controller IC pin connections detail

The above diagram shows the pin connection detail for IC RM6204 smps controller. This IC has 8 pin DIP package. It's available in hole through design.

Here is the internal block diagram of RM6204 IC. RM6204 IC is manufactured by Reactor-Micro semiconductor company.

RM6204 IC block diagram

Here below is RM6204 smps power supply image. This is image for one cellphone charger. You can see only the top side of the power supply board here. Where is this board is smd technology and there are components mounted on the back of the pcb also.

RM6203 IC smps power supply


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