Supper capacitor or suppercapacitor

 Energy storage device

Super cap

The supper capacitor or super cap is same like other electrolytic capacitors but they have a very big capacity to store large amount of charge. Most commonly used capacitors in audio amplifiers and stereos have values like 220UF, 500UF and 1000UF. UF stand for micro farads. In radio frequency circuits very small capacitance capacitors are used for example 10 pf or less. They are very small capacitors. In power supplies one can see large size capacitors like 1000UF to 10000UF to reduce the power supply ripple. There are hundreds and thousands of capacitors are used in any kind of electronic equipment. These capacitors have specific capacitance and voltage rating. Same is true for super cap. super cap have both capacity value as well as voltage value. The capacity is very very high for supper capacitor like in few hundred and even thousands Farads and the voltage rating is very low like 2.5 Volts for each super cap. Supper capacitor has quality that they can be charged very fast and they are capable of providing very large current peak. Also they don't tendency to degrade with passage of time like regular batteries.

Super cap or supercapacitor
Super cap or supercapacitor

Charging super cap

Super cap can be charged very quickly and they have ability to discharge very quickly too. They can be used as regular batteries with solar system, in electric vehicles, in torch lights and many other applications where batteries had used.

Super cap
Super cap

Supper capacitors don't emit gas like lead acid batteries but they do store charge less than lead acid batteries. Supper capacitors can be used in series to increase the applied voltage or in parallel to increase the storage capacity. Hence strings of series are made and these strings are connected in parallel together to make reasonable battery having accepted voltage rating and charge store capability.

Super cap in series and parallel strings
Super cap in series and parallel strings

Super cap charger

Supper capacitors could be charged using a DC to DC boost converter. But current limitation is a must for charging supper caps. Supper cap acts like a dead short if connected to a power supply for charging. It would cause to blow the power supply fuse or it would burn the power supply if the power supply have no over current protection.


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