CNG LPG Gas kit repair part 2

This is the second part of the CNG LPG gas kit vaporizer kit maintenance and repair or servicing. You people must watch the first part first before watching this part.
This will give you understanding of how to disassemble and open the gas kit or vaporizer with a few basic tools. Also it will show you how to inspect kit parts.
We will remove most parts from the kit. here is the nut holding the gauge and kit intake unit, I already loose. We will unscrew this nut to remove the unit from the kit.
We will keep the aluminium washers with care so that will be fixing it back when will assemble the gauge.
The gauge unit may come off easily. There are a few electrical connections to be remove. So are removing electrical connections by removing its connectors.
Here is the ground wire connection under the nut. We will loose the nut and will remove the wire underneath it. We will mark the wire position for the ease of installation
The negative or ground on the solenoid also we will disconnect by removing its connector.
By this way the gauge unit came off of the kit. We will keep it side ans will start kit or vaporizer disassembling.
We will start loosening all nuts and will mark on the ground cable connection nut for ease of installation in the end. By this way we will fix back the wire in its own place.
We are loosening all nuts using a 10 mm socket. All nuts have washers under them. We will open all nuts and keep them side along with washers for future assembly process. We will not loose any nut or washer.
For opening you need any 10 mm socket or a ring spanner. Anyone may do the job. there is no restriction that you may have a very expensive tool to do this job.
The bolts here are studs actually. As you can see one came off. But it is not a problem. In the end we will fix it back same as we will fix the nuts.

We will remove all nuts and washers from the kit to open the parts for cleaning and inspection.
To remove this plate for cleaning we should have to open the 19mm nut on the central solenoid block. We can use a socket to open it.

The pliers may not work because it could be very tight as you can see here. So socket is the best choice here.
The adjustable spanner may also not do due to its improper grip.

While putting force on the socket and breaking bar, hold the kit so that it may not move with the force applied.
The nut is smaller that is why it was difficult to hold in the socket.
Now we can remove the solenoid and the plate both together to clean underneath.

Here is one adjustment which holds the plunger for final gas control to the engine.

We would remove this plate also. Inside there is diaphragm which controls the gas initial pressure and regulates it to low pressure value.
All nuts here are also 10mm so we will use a 10mm socket to loose them.

keep in mind that there is a loaded spring inside. So it may jump a little bit but not too much. A little force maybe good on this plate during removal.
Here is the spring and keep it side.
To remove the diaphragm for cleaning and inspection, we should have to loose its nut. Afterward we can remove its plate.
this gasket also we should have to remove. and keep it side with other parts of this section.
We can open this nut with the 12mm socket.
Open and remove this plate and keep it side with other parts of this section.
Now is the time to remove the diaphragm. Now it will come easily.
Check as these parts will be dirty with oil component of gas. So we will bring all parts out of kit and will clean them thoroughly.

We will use a fillips screw driver to loose two screws to remove these parts from the kit.
In this way these parts will come off. You must not make any adjustment to such parts but just to clean them from oil and liquid gas.
Now we will open the bigger out output diaphragm. For that we would loose all 10mm nuts and bolts using a 10mm socket and spanner.
The last nut and bolt we are going to remove from the kit. This will open the bigger output diaphragm cover.
We will make a mark on both parts with a screw driver so that it will give us help when installing these parts in the end.
This mark will serve as guide mark when fixing things back together.
The diaphragm is sticking here to the upper top cover. So we will take care when removing this cover from the kit not to damage the diaphragm.
In the center they have given a little bigger hole to bring the pointer out.
We will inspect the diaphragm for any whole or damage. We will clean if there is no hole and no damage. Otherwise we will replace it with a new one.
Here is another plate and underneath is another diaphragm in the high pressure stage. We will loose all screws and remove it for inspection and cleaning.
This lever is very important and is controlling the low pressure to the engine. So we will remove it, will inspect it and will clean its stopper part using an emery paper.

To remove the lever we should have to open the two screws on its pivot. Also we will remove some other parts from here.
We will keep those both screws in their wholes not to mix them with other parts.
Here is the stopper part. We will clean it with the emery paper.
The spring and idle adjustment we would have to remove for cleaning.
Take care of the spring and brass bolt arrangement so that parts may go in the proper orientation. Nothing should be reversed so that it may not cause any problem in the end after assembling everything back.
We will remove this plate and underneath the diaphragm for cleaning and inspection.
Remove its gasket and keep it side.
Here is 8mm nut so we will remove it with an 8 mm socket or ring spanner.
We will keep its two washers along with its nut and the plate in one place.
We will wash now all the kit using our solvent. For solvent we can use any proffered solvent. I am using regular gasoline for cleaning and it works awesomely.
The rubber parts we will not wash in solvent but will clean only with rag. Also we will inspect them. Will replace parts if they went defective.

We will only wash the metal parts in the solvent.
After the cleaning everything I will fix back all parts and what will be the exact reverse process of disassembling.


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