PC or Laptop mouse double click problem solution

Here is the YouTube video showing all these details in motion:

Here is the YouTube video showing all these details in Hindi and Urdu:

A mouse when use with a PC or Laptop for years, it develop different problems. A very common defect is a double click problem. The double click defect is one in which you are encountering to multiple clicks of mouse buttons when you click once. This is due to switches defect. Switches are working hard all the time during their service life. They are exposed to dust also.

Switches have springs and contacts. With use the springs loose their elasticity and the contacts accumulates dust and debris. Then one experiences double or multiple clicks due to those defective switches. This becomes sometimes horrible when you need precise one click job. Especially if you are working on some drawing software or video editing software.

The solution to such defect is to replace the bad switches with good and new switches or to swap switches from one position to another within the defective mouse. I would explore the way how to do it in the following images and lines.

Locate which button in creating double click. Normally left click because it is frequently and most used in the entire service life of a mouse.

Unscrew a small screw using a small Philips screw driver.

Create space between the two covers of the mouse using your nails.

Carefully pry the top half cover backward and take care of the locks in front and don't break them during the opening process.

Take off the cable from its position.

Take off the wheel assembly from its position.

Give attention to the wheel springs. Make sure install the wheel assembly in the same way latter as it had come off.

Take off the circuit board from the mouse.

Here S1 and S3 are the switches to be swapped. Mark the defective switch so that you may know it latter on.

Give attention to the three legs soldered to the board.

Solder the legs using a soldering iron and soldering wire. This will help providing heat to the existing soldering and will make it easy to melt.

Hold the switch and melt the soldering on its legs using soldering iron.

Remove the switches after the soldering is melt. Keep the switches side.

Swap the positions for both switches which is in the left click and under the wheel. Fix them in those swapped positions.

Solder the legs of the switches. Solder them properly to avoid any loose of dry solder.

Clean the mouse covers and glass part to make sure there should be no dust inside.

Put the cover back after fixing the board, wheel and cable inside. Carefully lock the front tabs in their corresponding positions.

Fix the small screw and tight it using the small Phillips screw driver.

The mouse is ready to use. Test it with your PC or laptop. Hope it will work like a new mouse.


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