Low resistance measurement and testing in electrical wiring system

 Low resistance measurement and testing

Low resistance measurement of the resistance value below 1.0000 OHM in electrical. 1 OHM is a very small value of resistance and at this value the measurement is very critical. For such a low resistance measurement it is a must to keep the measurement error free and keep it very accurate. It's important to use a very special kind of tester, taking care of the test lead resistance, taking contacts resistance in consideration. At such low resistance measurement the induced emf in testing systems or wiring like emf induced due to magnetic field, emf induced due to thermal effect or emf induced between joints is also important to consider. Such induced voltage is creating an error in the measurement. Standing voltage can create big trouble in measurement of such small quantities.

Low resistance test used in industry

Low resistance problem in industry

As most industries consumes much more power to make production products. Very big motors are installed in industry which a takes a lot of power and kilo Amperes to operate. Such industries must have low resistance measurement routine in their maintenance schedule. They must keep a low resistance test for such measurement. Electrical system or installation which develops high resistance problem is creating heating, heating creates further problem like risk of fire and also the heating is a cause of energy loss. The energy loss due to heating leads to prating cost which increase the production cost and reduces the profit margin. In such a case one is tended to pay for the energy which is not used for a beneficial purpose or production.

Following is a list of companies which should consider the low resistance testing to reduce the unwanted energy loss due to unwanted high resistance induction in the electrical system:

  • Telecom companies
  • Cars and automotive
  • Cement industry
  • Chemical industry
  • Oil refineries
  • Aircraft and missile industry
  • Industries having their own solar power generation
  • Sugar industry
  • Food processing industry
  • Steel industry
  • Mining
  • Railway
  • Electronics industry


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