Honda civic overhead components illustrated diagram, Honda repair service manual

 Honda civic overhead components illustrated diagram, Honda repair service manual

Honda Civic and Honda city overhead components illustration

Honda Civic Honda city overhead component
Honda Civic Honda city overhead component

Honda Civic Honda city overhead components details

  1. Head
  2. Rocker arm assembly
  3. Exhaust camshaft
  4. Intake camshaft
  5. Exhaust camshaft gear
  6. Intake camshaft gear
  7. Camshaft key
  8. Spark plug well rubber seal
  9. Headcover gasket
  10. Camshaft plate
  11. Camshaft holder
  12. TDC sensor 1
  13. TDC sensor 1 O ring
  14. TDC sensor 2
  15. TDC sensor 2 O ring
  16. Camshaft cover bolts
  17. Camshaft cover bolts washers
  18. Camshaft cover bolts rubber seal


The Head is the most important part of the vehicle engine. The Head is used to cover the pistons. The Head contains necessary parts like valves, valve springs, valve seals, and valve locks. Also, the overhead cams are fitted on the top of the head. The Head is sealing the piston tops through the head gasket.

Rocker arm assembly:

Rocker arm assembly is used to push on valves to open them according to engine timing. Rocker arms have valve gape adjustment arrangement.

Exhaust camshaft:

An exhaust camshaft is used to open and close exhaust valves. For this purpose, lobs are created on the exhaust camshaft at specific intervals.

Intake camshaft:

An Intake camshaft is used to open and close Intake valves. For this purpose, lobs are created on the exhaust camshaft at specific intervals.

Exhuast camshaft gear:

Exhaust camshaft gear is installed at one end of the exhaust camshaft. Exhaust camshaft gear is driven by the engine and it rotates the exhaust camshaft at half of the engine speed.

Intake camshaft gear:

Intake camshaft gear is installed at one end of the Intake camshaft. Intake camshaft gear is driven by the engine and it rotates the Intake camshaft at half of the engine speed.

Camshaft Key:

The camshaft key ensures the firm fixation of the camshaft gear of the camshaft.

Spark plug well rubber seal:

These seals are used to seal the spark plug wells and camshaft cover to avoid engine oil leakage.

Headcover gasket:

A headcover or camshaft cover gasket is used to seal the cover to avoid engine oil leakage. This gasket should not be confused with the head gasket. The Head gasket is another item which is sealing engine compression against the head and cylinder.

Camshaft plate:

Camshaft plates are located at the end of camshafts. The purpose of camshaft plates is to induce a pulse in the TDC sensors to show the position of camshafts to the ECU or ECM or vehicle computer. According to which the ignition and the fuel delivery is set.


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