What is air circuit breaker. Electrical protection

What is air circuit breaker. Electrical protection

What is air circuit breaker or ACB:

Air circuit breaker or ACB is electrical protection device used in electrical system to provide electrical circuit isolation in case of short circuit or over current condition. Also the air circuit breaker or ACB is used to isolate the electrical circuit manually when it is required in case of maintenance on the connection equipment or if it is needed to stop the equipment for long time. Air circuit breakers are used on low voltage like up to 700v and currents from 200A to 6200A. Some air circuit breakers are especially designed to meed voltages up to 1000 volts. Such circuit breakers are designed for the control of photo voltaic or solar systems.
Air circuit breaker named because the media used between the contacts for quenching arc on electrodes during circuit making and breaking is air. The contacts operates in air. Sometimes this is just normal pressure air and some times it is pressurized air to quench.

Air circuit breaker ACB
Air circuit breaker ACB

How air circuit breaker operates:

The air circuit breaker has an encapsulation which holds all necessary parts for an air circuit breaker or ACB. An air circuit breaker have normally two sets or pairs or contacts. One set is main contacts made or copper alloy and the other set or pair of contacts are known are arc contacts which are made of carbon. The main contacts have low resistance and fine contact and they carry all the rated current of the circuit breaker. Whereas the arc contacts have comparatively high resistance but they can withstand the arc produced during the opening and closing of contacts under load.
The function of the circuit breaker is in the way that the main contacts are closing after the arc contacts and they are disconnecting before the arc contact opening.

Air circuit breaker working principle
Air circuit breaker working principle

So the main contacts don't face the total load current arcing instead the arc contacts face the maximum load current arcing. In this way the circuit breaker operates are higher currents without destroying its contacts.


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