What is radiator? Function of radiator. Radiator parts. Preventive maintenance.

What is radiator? Function of radiator. Radiator parts. Preventive maintenance.

What is radiator

Many people have listen about a radiator. But many of the people may not be aware of the importance and function of a radiator installed in a car or in any vehicle. If we explain the radiator in very simple words, the radiator is the most important and crucial component of any vehicle either gasoline, diesel or even electric vehicle cooling system. Its basic function is to radiate the heat produced by vehicle moving system i.e engine or electric motor in case of an EV. In this way the radiator disperse the heat produced by vehicle moving system to the atmosphere and prevents the vehicle moving system from overheating.

Car cooling system with radiator and other associated components

How does a radiator work

The main component in any vehicle is its power train. In case of fossil fuel vehicles it is the engine and in case of electric vehicle it is the electric motor. The engine burns the fossil fuel petrol or diesel to produce mechanical power to keep the vehicle running. Also there are many associated components in an engine to produce the power and to deliver such power to the wheels of the vehicle. In case of an electric vehicle the power is produced by an electric motor and the motor have many parts like shaft, bearings, end covers and couplers. A lot of heat is generated when fuel is burning in the engine and also due to the friction of the moving parts associated to the engine or to the electric motor in case of electric vehicle. It's a must to disperse or ventilate such produced heat from the vehicle power train during its operation to avoid overheating of the power train or the entire vehicle. If the heat is not disperse or vent properly, it could result in severe and catastrophic damage.

Radiator is the component which disperse or radiate such produced heat in the air or atmosphere form the vehicle power train. Radiator is the key part of the vehicle cooling system which uses liquid coolant. There are other parts like hoses attached to the radiator and a thermostat valve is connected to the radiator cooling line to control the flow of liquid between power train and the radiator. Also there are cooling fans attached to the radiator which could be one or in some cases more than one in case of big vehicles. Such cooling fans are forcing more air flow through the radiator in case of temperature rise of the coolant or when the vehicle is stand still. For the purpose there is a coolant sensor installed in the coolant circuit to detect the cooling temperature and switch on the radiator cooling fan when the sensor detects rise in temperature.

The car cooling system works in the way that when engine runs, it produces a lot of heat due to fuel burning and mechanical parts movement. to reduce such heating of the engine, liquid coolant is entered to the engine cooling jackets. The cooling jackets surround the engine burning chamber, the cylinders and engine head. Then the liquid coolant adsorbs all the heat produced by the engine. Then the hot coolant is pumped to the radiator. For pumping, a coolant pump is installed with the engine which runs through the belt or another mean with the engine running. Then the hot coolant is passed through thin aluminium fins which are kind of thin fine tubes. There are further aluminium fins installed to these tubes to enhance the contact area of these coolant lines or tubes for more radiation. Then these thin tubes radiates the coolant heat to the surrounding air or atmosphere and reduces the coolant temperature to normal. then this normal temperature cooling is ready to be entered again to the engine and take out the engine heat again. This cycle is repeated countless times during the engine running.

The are passes is through the front grill of the vehicle. Plenty of cool air is entered to the radiator through the vehicle front grill openings. This is because the radiator is installed in the very front of every vehicle to get more and more cool air to make the radiation possible. More air circulation is made possible through radiator cooling fans installed with the radiator. Such cooling fans are kicked on by vehicle ecu or other electrical circuit when the coolant sensor detects rise in temperature of coolant. This is normally the case when the vehicle is stopped and idle in case of traffic rush or on traffic signals for long times.

An optimal temperature is maintained by the vehicle cooling system which is from 79 degrees Celsius to 82 degrees Celsius varied from manufacturer to manufacturer. This optimal temperature is a must to be maintained for smooth and reliable operation of a vehicle engine. Such temperature is a must for any engine to be maintain to make it running in good condition and to reduce the engine wear too. A cooled engine can't operate well and wear out more. On the other hand an overheated engine is also not a desirable condition as overheating can burn the engine and other associated electrical and plastic parts. So the optimum temperature is a mus to be maintained all the time the engine of the vehicle runs. Such optimum temperature is maintained used a mechanical thermostat valve installed in the coolant line. The purpose of the thermostat valve is to open on the optimal temperature to remains closed below the optimal temperature. The thermostat valve maintained the vehicle engine temperature in the optimal limit. The thermostat valve serves both in cool winter and in hot summer. In cool winter it keeps the engine warm to optimal temperature and in hot summer it gives enough time to the coolant in radiator to release its temperature to the surrounding air and keeps the coolant inside the engine to get it to the optimal temperature range.

Radiator component

Radiator have three main parts. The radiator core which is made of aluminium, the radiator pressure cap and the third part is the inlet and outlet tanks or reservoirs.

Radiator core is the big metal block consist of fine metal tubes and fins usually made of aluminium. This is the main part of radiator where the actual heat exchange of radiation takes place. The coolant flow through the fine tubes where the heat is exchanged or radiated to the atmosphere or surrounding air.

There is a pressure cape on the top of radiator where one can fill in the coolant or top up in case of coolant loss. The pressure cap seals the coolant entrant throat and don't allow leakage. Also there is another function of the pressure cap is to allow the steam and gases to the expansion bottle and coolant back from the expansion bottle to the radiator in case of vacuum formation in the radiator.

Radiator pressure cap

The reservoir tanks are the two in number. The intake and outlet reservoir tanks. The inlet tank received the hot coolant front the engine and circulate it through the radiator core. The outlet tank receives cool coolant from the radiator core and temporarily stores it and allow it to be entered to the engine cooling system.

There tanks are made of plastic or in some cases metal. The radiator inlet and outlets are connected to such tanks for hose connection.

The coolant is another important part of the cooling system. Although the coolant is not a sort of mechanical or physical part of the cooling system but off course it is very much important and crucial to be there to radiate heat from the engine to the surrounding air or atmosphere.
Radiator parts mentioned on

Failure of Radiator

The engine is producing a lot of heat when it operates. Such overheating of the engine is more severe in case of engine operation in hot summer. The overheating of the engine could be the reason of low coolant or leakage in the cooling system. The low cooling could be due to coolant loose and negligence of coolant topping up in case of coolant loose due to natural operation or any leakage in the coolant system. The leakage could be anywhere in the radiator core, radiator intel and outlet tanks, the connecting hoses or in the engine water jacket or engine coolant inlet or outlet.

Another reason of the cooling system or radiator failure could be a defective thermostat valve which is very common reason for overheating. The thermostat valve could be failed in two states. Either in closed or in open. The closed failed thermostat is more severe and dangerous than open stuck thermostat valve. Both ways defective thermostat valves causes overheating of the vehicle during hot summer.

Thermostat valve with parts

The pressurized cap could also cause overheating problem. If the cap couldn't seal up the cooling system up to the specified pressure limit, the coolant overflow could occur results in loose of coolant which yields to cooling system overheating.

Another radiator failure could be the radiator cooling fans not running due to fans defects or their corresponding electrical circuit defects. Such overheating is more prominent when car is idling in jammed traffic or stopped on long traffic signals. When car is idling without running the radiator gets less air flow hence less radiation or heat exchange causing overheating of the cooling system.

If car owners and drivers take care of the following instructions then the car cooling system will perform properly and the vehicle will respond you better and will stay longer with you without giving you trouble and non stop operation will optimal costs.

  • Keep an eye on the temperature gauge on the car instrument cluster all the time to run your car in optimal temperature range. Notice any change in the temperature range during driving.
  • Keep eye and nose to smell any odor or smock coming from the engine hood of the car.
  • Keep eye on the parking space if your car is leaking coolant or you get a sign of coolant leak.
  • Finding rust or corrosion on the cooling system indicates any coolant leakage from the cooling system.
  • Listening to the cooling fans to kick on during long idle or jamming in traffic rush or long stay on traffic signals.
  • opening the radiator pressure cape to see the cooling level of your car cooling system daily or maximum weekly. Top up coolant both in radiator and expansion bottle in case of any coolant loss.
  • Cleaning radiation in every car wash with pressure hose with appropriate water pressure to wash any debris or loose dust from the radiator to make it more efficient and effective for radiation.
If you fine any of the above discussed defects, a professional mechanic should examine and repair your car to make it fit for further duty.

Radiator Preventive maintenance

Preventive maintenance is required on car cooling system or radiator after a certain interval to make things better and keep your car running smoothly without surprise stoppage.

  • It is good to make a habit of checking car coolant and engine oil level daily before starting the car. But at least once a week it is a must to check both levels. Little loss of coolant is not noticeable and top up is proposed. But if the coolant loss is bigger and the car needs more coolant daily then proper maintenance of the cooling system or engine maintenance is due and should be carried out by a professional mechanic.
  • Coolant flush and coolant change is proposed every 26000 mile or after two years of service. This is important to remove any gunk and debris from the cooling system and radiator. This is will prevent the cooling system from rusting and corrosion.
  • Cooling system hoses and other rubber pipes in the cooling system should be replaced every 35000 miles. As hoses and other cooling system pipes are made of rubber, they tend to dry and brittle with time and aging. After 51000 miles they must be replaced and they should not be intend to run to failure as such strategy could lead to a very expensive repair or engine replacement sometimes.


Everybody needs a car with reliable operation and with no overheating engine on the road. Radiators are the key components of car head radiation of dissipation in the surrounding air or atmosphere. A better understanding of car cooling system and looking for necessary maintenance on your car could prevent you from big problems and will make your car running smoothly for year without any major maintenance.


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