Car rear wheel brakes repair

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The rear wheel brakes of a vehicle are very important to bring it stop from running. The rear wheel brakes have great importance in a car. Think if there would be no rear wheel brakes and you drive that vehicle, Sure you will accident if you try to brake it at standard 120Km/h. The situation may become more dangerous if you try to brake it at above such standard speed. The rear wheel brakes are regulating the front brakes also. The way they regulates is when we press on the brake paddle, first the rear brakes are engaging and then the front wheels are getting hydraulic fluid to engage them.

The reason for the sinking or dropping down brake paddle to floor is worn out rear wheel brakes. If the rear wheel brake shoes are too much worn out or the brake is not aligned or adjusted properly, they will need more quantity of brake flood which results more sinking or down paddle. The solution to such a problem is replacement of worn out brake shoes and proper alignment and adjustment of the brakes after installation of new brake shoes.

There is another problem comes in the rear wheel brakes when you find the rear wheels contaminated with brake fluid or you find loss of brake fluid. Such contamination or loss of brake fluid is due to leaking down rear brake wheel cylinder. The wheel brake cylinders are simple hydraulic cylinder with two piston on both sides with a fluid line providing it the hydraulic pressure in case if you are applying brakes. Both the pistons have rubber sealing rings or lips on them. They seal the hydraulic pressure well with in the hydraulic cylinder and the pistons are moving outward under that pressure.

With the passage of time and frequent use of brake during normal operation the wheel brake cylinders are becoming worn out and also the rubber sealing rings becomes worn out. Time comes when there is a leakage occurred between the brake cylinder and pistons. From there the hydraulic brake fluid leaks and contaminates the wheel. In such a situation the brake hydraulic fluid contaminates the wheel brake drums also which causes very poor braking. So if such a condition occurs that is the time to replace the brake cylinder along with its pistons.

The brake cylinder is not very costly but the replacement needs to open everything in the wheel for brake system. The cylinder is hold on two small bolts from behind and there is a fluid lines coming to the brake cylinder. The cylinder replacement job need removal of both bolts and the pipe line.

After the installation of the new cylinder it needs to bleed down all air from the brake system. The air bleeding is done through the bleeding plug. The bleeding plug is located at the top of the rear of the brake cylinder. So two to three times brake bleeding will ensure perfect bleeding and firm brake paddle. The brake master cylinder fluid reservoir must be filled time to time during the bleeding process to make sure it should not run out of hydraulic fluid otherwise it may cause further difficulties in the brake system like the whole brake system then may need bleeding.

After brake bleeding it is required to adjust the brakes. The brake adjustment is done in different ways in different makes and models. In some models it is done through an adjustable wheel. The loosening or tightening of the wheel ensures the proper alignment. The key to proper wheel adjustment is there should be a little drag of brake should be felt even if the brake is not applied. The wheel should not be very much jammed and they should not be very much free. That will be considered as perfect alignment. The wheel alignment will serve both the foot brake as well as the hand brake.


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