Function generator kit assembling

Hers is a video covering all details of function generator assembling in details:

A function generator is an electronic device or equipment which is capable of producing different electrical signals and waveform. The electrical signals are AC waveform of different amplitude and different frequency. In a good function generator all these parameters can be controlled using different knobs and buttons on the front of it. The function generator is most commonly used in repair industry as well as in electronics design and development.

In electronics repair, we need different signals to input in a circuit to test its behavior. Those signals are produced using a signal or function generator. The function generator is commonly used in radio equipment repair and maintenance. As all stages of a radio equipment is dealing with signals in one way or another, the function generator is compulsory to test and analyse such signal stages for possible fault and to ensure proper operation of the stage.

In electronics design and development the function generator has a vital role. In the electronics design it is needed to analyse and calculate the circuit behavior to different signals which will be passed by that circuit in its service. So such signals are produced in lab using a function generator.

Function generator has its range and limitation according to its use and price range. The wide range and more functions function generator is more expensive where as the limited range and less functions function generator is low cost. The type of function generator we use depends upon our need and requirements.

Here is a low cost function generator presented which is available from the company as kit. The main part of this function generator is IC555 which produces the frequency of about 1KHz and then this signal is further processed to produce Sin wave, triangular wave, sawtooth wave and square wave. There is amplitude control also available to control gain of the out put signal.

Here is the schematic diagram of the project supplied with the kit:

Multi channel waveform generator or function generator schematic diagram.

Here is the PCB for the circuit. The PCB is good quality green. The component layout silk screen is well written. There are component designation as well as components value also printed on the board for easy assembly.

PCB for function generator. All components are very clearly written on the PCB silk screen.

Start the assembling process by inserting the IC socket in the PCB in its place on board. Take care of the IC socket orientation on the board. The notch in the IC socket should match the notch mark on the board.
Component placement is started by inserting IC socket in its place on the PCB.

start soldering the component on the solder side of the pcb using soldering iron.
soldering the IC socket.
Place all ceramic capacitor on the board taking care of their coded values written on them. Proper value capacitor should to to its corresponding place on the board.
Ceramic capacitor having code value.

Cut the excess leads of the components after soldering them to board using side cutting priers. The leads should be cut shorter enough so that they should not touch to the corresponding nearby components lead and should not create bridges.

Cut the excess leads.

Check all resistors for their value using multimeter. Put resistors in their corresponding place after checking them for values.
Checking resistors value on multimeter.

Put in the jumper header pins on the board for waveform selection and for output as well. Solder them on the other side of the board.
Adding jumper header pins.

While putting electrolytic capacitor on the board, take special care of their polarity. They are polarity sensitive components. There is negative pin marked on the capacitor body as well as the negative lead is shorter where as the positive lead is longer. Also the negative hole area is marked shaded on the board.
adding electrolytic capacitor on the board.

Insert the IC in its socket already soldered to the board. Take special care not to insert IC in reverse direction otherwise the circuit will not work and also the IC will be blown when the circuit is powered up. The notch on the IC socket should be lined up with the notch on the IC.
IC insertion in the IC socket on board.

Here is the video covering all details of this project testing and powering up.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. From zx8401ztv
    Cant beat the 555 timer, such a usefull chip :-D

  3. Awesome blogger with, Great~~~

  4. I am not sure if it matters but... your capacitors at C3 and C9 are swapped. One is a ceramic 103 and the other is a tantalum.


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