Inverter role in today's power system in Pakistan

 Inverter role in today's power system in Pakistan

What is inverter

Inverter is an electronic equipment used to convert Direct current DC power into Alternating Current AC power and serve electrical power needs to daily life like power electricity company. There are different types and models of inverters today commonly used everywhere. The choice of a proper inverter for a power system needs requirements consideration and depends upon the budget available to meed certain power needs.

In older days such inverters were used as back up system with a 12V lead acid battery. Such inverters were normally square wave type or modified sine wave type of inverters. They were commonly used to meet some power needs during power outage or load shading times. Such inverters were used as inverters as well as battery chargers and they were commonly referred as ups or un interrupted power supply. Such inverters were providing crude power and mostly fans and motors were creating noise and there were having hard time to run with such crud power.

With the advancement of electronics, the inverters were also took advantage of such modern technologies. The used microcontrollers to control most function and to make better sine wave power for loads. Latter more than one batteries were used in such inverters up to more than hundred batteries in series to make 220V DC and invert them with out the need of a transformer to step lower voltages up and the used to serve ac loads.

Now a days inverters are most common parts of almost all electrical systems. As there is a big power shortage all over the world and especially in Pakistan, Inverters became more important than ever.

Types of inverters:

Inverters can be classified in different types and kinds according to their use, function and other parameters. Following a a few classifications of different inverters most commonly used today in the modern world.

inverter classification according to input power source
Inverter classification according to output power source
Inverter classification according to commutation technology
Inverter classification according to method of connections
Inverter classification according to mode of operation
Inverter classification according to output waveform
Inverter classification according to number of outputs


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