Inverter role in today's power system in Pakistan
Inverter role in today's power system in Pakistan What is inverter Inverter is an electronic equipment used to convert Direct current DC power into Alternating Current AC power and serve electrical power needs to daily life like power electricity company. There are different types and models of inverters today commonly used everywhere. The choice of a proper inverter for a power system needs requirements consideration and depends upon the budget available to meed certain power needs. In older days such inverters were used as back up system with a 12V lead acid battery. Such inverters were normally square wave type or modified sine wave type of inverters. They were commonly used to meet some power needs during power outage or load shading times. Such inverters were used as inverters as well as battery chargers and they were commonly referred as ups or un interrupted power supply. Such inverters were providing crude power and mostly fans and motors were creating noise and there were